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Glastonbury Day Trip

22 June 2024 at 06:00:00


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We are organising a day trip again this year to Glastonbury on Saturday 22nd June to celebrate the Summer Solstice that week. On the Summer Solstice, the sun reaches its peak and it completes its cycle of growth. This makes the Summer Solstice an excellent time to reflect on peak moments in your own life.


We are organising a day trip again this year to Glastonbury on Saturday 22nd June to celebrate the Summer Solstice that week. On the Summer Solstice, the sun reaches its peak and it completes its cycle of growth. This makes the Summer Solstice an excellent time to reflect on peak moments in your own life.

We will visit the mysterious Glastonbury Tor, the legendary Isle Of Avalon from the King Arthur stories. It is said to be his resting place. After a climb to the top via the pathway the views are breathtaking and offer a 360 degree view over this magical landscape. A sacred place for people of all different backgrounds and beliefs. 

Whilst at Glastonbury we will offer you the opportunity to take part in a guided meditation with us (weather permitting). You will also have the opportunity to spend some time exploring this world famous town, including the Chalice Well at the foot of Glastonbury Tor within a sacred garden and the White Springs Well and Temple.

We will be meeting at Yupa Yoga Studio at 7am and will arrive at Glastonbury for approximately 9.30am.  We will depart for the journey back to the studio at 4pm and should arrive back at the studio at approximately 6.30pm. The trip cost is £60 per person, and needs to be paid in person at the studio to secure your booking.

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